Friday, January 14, 2011

2011 SMC Update; Materials Market Analysis Panel

Materials Market Analysis Panel

Moderator: Lita Shon-Roy, Techcet Group
Karey Holland, Partner & Senior Technical Analyst
Michael Corbett, Managing Partner, Linx Consulting
Jan Vardaman, President, TechSearch International
Dan Tracy, Senior Director, Industry Research and Statistics, SEMI
Holland: Recycling may become more important and have impact on price going forward; expect CMP pad suppliers to shrink through closings or mergers; "3 most critical materials for near term": for FEoL, ALD materials for HK gates: Hf, Zr, La; for BEoL, Mn & Co will increase importance, Ta will drop; Ru will not proliferate;
Corbett: may be some move to less leading edge node devices, into 200mm nodes for example, bumping up demands for materials and consumables used  in those existing manufacturing lines; China market has many obstacles for materials suppliers along with IP concerns, no resolution foreseen; "3 most critical materials for near term": FEol materials are most critical; Ru cost will be an obstacle;
Vardaman: supplier consolidation is leading to concerns and legal issues in EU;  "3 most critical materials for near term": Cu fluctuations can impact major segments;
Tracy: move into lower nodes raising questions about 6-inch material availability; "3 most critical materials for near term": Cu wire transition can drive cost equations, reduce gold positions

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