Thursday, January 13, 2011

Latest from SMC 2011: Jae Hyun Ki, Samsung

, Principal Engineer, Semiconductor Manufacturing Technology Team, Infra Technology Service Center, Device Solution Business, Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd.: "Challenge of Material Technology in the Nano-scale Device Manufacturing"
Material needs for smaller devices through the next 5 years will be driven by: the move from 2D to 3D for device architecture; the transition from ArFi to EUV on the Photolithography front; Capacitor materials such as HfO2/ZrO compounds entering major production levels.
 3D Packaging will help achieve density targets of DRAM< (3X or current) and Flash (8X of current); Interface issues with WLP will offer new material opportunities; Defect & contamination control will require continuous improvements; current material purity limits hit impact production beginning at 3X nodes; material suppliers must take on the burden of making the necessary improvements; filtering at POU locales will need improvements; improvement in analytical techniques such as NMR, and particle detection also is an area of concern.
Green Manufacturing trends will drive changes from current hazardous and/or toxic materials to cleaner materials and a focus on recycling & reuse; more regulations are being put into place in Korea for a growing list of chemicals, suppliers must pay attention.

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