Friday, January 14, 2011

2011SMC Update: Michael Corbett, Linx Consulting

Michael Corbett, Managing Partner Linx Consulting: "Emerging Opportunities and Markets for Chemicals and Materials in Advanced Devices"
Opportunities & trends: sub-32nm market is materials-innovation intensive; FEoL cleaning will need new materials, there will be a major jump when 450mm single wafer cleaning enters the market; wet-only HDIS chemistries is a major need; DRAM cell developments will drive new materials such as SiGe, Ru; NAND will introduce new 3D structures; advanced ALD and CVD precursors will triple through 2014; mask counts will rise by 20% through 2014, impacting all phases such as PR, ARC, etc.; CMP use and material demands will see moderate growth through 2014; High Selective Etching will grow in importance and resource requirements as new materials are introduced; Related markets such as Solar will have impact on Semi.

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